The environment, a resource to be preserved

The sustainable management of the environment is necessary for the development of ecosystems and is vital for economic progress and the well-being of populations.

Water treatment and air treatment are now huge issues and will become even more important in the future. For this, and in addition to high quality products, you will need important material and human resources.

We are a major and committed player in the field of water and air treatment and we collaborate with renowned partners with whom we have developed decades long relationships based on trust and transparency. Our team is ready to answer all your needs and to accompany you in the choice of the best solutions for you.


Water treatment

Whether it is fresh, waste, industrial or odorous, we bring you solutions for your water. Our water treatment products ensure sedimentation, filtration and disinfection of water for different applications: sanitation, potabilization, descaling, coagulation, flocculation, deodorization, etc.

For each of your needs, our team is qualified to propose the most adequate solutions. Several products for water treatment are available: biocides, flocculants, coagulants, antifoams, descalers, etc. 

Air treatment

Air purification is a large scale issue and its treatment concerns both atmospheric and domestic pollution.

Air treatment consists of purifying and drying the compressed air while removing and eliminating polluting substances. For a longer product life, our team is trained to advise and support you in choosing the right solutions. If you wish to avoid wear and tear on your equipment and materials…
