A trusted partner to achieve your goals

Industrial Filtration is central to the performance of most industries such as:


Understanding our customer’s filtration process is a prerequisite for the development and proposal of adequate solutions. This is a know-how we have been trained for by our foreign partners and for which our competence has been recognized for years.

 We offer you solutions, products and services in various fields of industrial filtration, i.e. filtration and treatment of compressed air, ambient air, liquid separation, filtration of heat engines, etc.

Our products

Compressed air filtration and treatment
Fortrade offers compressed air filtration products and solutions that focus on quality and energy efficiency, while ensuring optimal air quality, low operating pressure differential, reduced CO2 emission and finally a reduced total cost of cleanliness.
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Process filtration
FORTRADE develops high-end process filtration solutions adapted to your applications and your requirements in filtration and sterilization of liquids.
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Ambient Air Treatment and Dust Collection
Fortrade offers a complete range of solutions and products that meet the highest requirements for efficiency and operational reliability, with the goal of removing all major contaminant gases.
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Liquid Filtration
Fortrade offers complete filtration and solid liquid separation solutions namely filter media, filter bags, filter press cloths, centrifuges and many more. We offer a wide range of filters to ensure the finest separation performance and long life, tailored to your specific needs, and we can assemble everything in the shortest possible time
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Food and beverage

Pharma and biotechnology

Health and life sciences

Industrial process

Chemistry and fine chemicals

Water treatment



Energy production

Electronics and semiconductors

Mining industry


Plastic and packaging